How many people including you will ask that question out loud!? In fact, many do ask that question in their mind or on the keyboard of their computer while doing an internet search. How to poop is questioned by those who may be suffering with diverticulitis, gastritis, constipation, colon cancer or constipation in pregnancy. How to poop is a truly good question.
Let’s break down into steps some answers. How to poop can be responded first by how often should I poop? The healthiest answer is once after every major meal. The normal individual eats 2 major meals a day, so that answer would be 2 times a day. An absolute minimum is 1 poop a day. All bowel movements should float indicating good fiber levels which help keep your colon walls clean and much more.
The next question to answer is what to eat to relieve constipation? Fresh fruit only until noon, that means nothing else. No cereal, no eggs and bacon or bread, no milk etc. Why? Our natural elimination cycle, when our body has entered the pooping cycle, starts at 4 am and ends at 11 am. Consuming anything but fruit jams and stops this cycle. It messes everything up. It’s like trying to drive a car on 3 good tires and 1 flat tire, it just doesn’t work. Milk is also a constipator. Toddler constipation is many times due to milk and dairy products. The only milk a baby or toddler should get is his or her mothers.
The next answer in how to eat to poop is to make 3/4 of the lunch and dinner plates of fresh, delicious, steamed or raw vegetables.
The other great secret in how to poop is combining your food properly. What does this mean? Combining your food properly means never eat a protein and a starch together such as meat and potatoes, which we have all been taught incorrectly to do. Never! If you have a meat eat it with vegetables not starch, no pasta with meat, no potatoes with meat, no bread with meat etc. If you want to have pasta for dinner, eat it with vegetables, no meat and pasta together. No sandwiches with meat or cheese. Are you crazy? You may be thinking. Try it! It takes 1 hour to digest an entire meal if you combine it correctly like I just described. It takes 6–8 hours to digest if you eat the way you always have, meat and potatoes. And guess what? Digestion is the number 1 energy consumer of the human body. Now you know why you get tired after lunch or a wrongly combined meal. So what do you think you will gain by combining your food correctly besides no belching, gas, indigestion? Energy! 6 to 7 hours of extra strength and lots of energy.
How to poop is simple. Eat fruit only for breakfast. 3/4 of each lunch and dinner plate made of vegetables. Drink 2 quarts of water a day. Take a walk every day for 10 to 20 minutes or more.
Poop does a body good! How to poop was really a good question!