A regularly poor diet encourages extremely poor intestinal health, producing the ideal environment for parasites to subsist and grow. The diet with the highest opposition to parasite infestation is high in untreated carbohydrates, sufficient protein and raw green vegetables and low in meat, raw fish, pork and sugar.
A healthy diet improves the function of the immune system, and the immune system defends a person from infestation in the first place. Selecting the right diet is crucial. The diet should have a reduction on all products that contain white flour.
The disorders that parasites caused may not essentially be healed by the following recommendations and remedies for parasites but may be relieved. The following foods for parasites are naturally anti-parasitic.
1. When in season, eat from 1 to 3 pomegranates.
2. Eat 1 teaspoon of fresh papaya seeds daily on an empty stomach for a week. Stop for 2 days and then do the same for another week.
3. Eliminate dairy products from your diet.
4. Add raw carrots and lots of garlic when preparing your salads.
5. Eat sunflower seeds daily on an empty stomach for a week. Stop for 2 days and then do the same for another week.
6. Eat from 3 to 4 cloves of garlic daily for a week. Garlic is one of the most beneficial cleansers for your body. Eat a garlic bud first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
7. Take the white portion of green onions and make into juice. Add from 1 to 2 teaspoons sesame seed oil and take twice a day on an empty stomach for a week. Stop for 5 days and then do the same for another week.
8. Eat 50 raw pumpkin seeds first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, then fast 5 hours and follow with fresh carrot juice. Repeat the next 5 days if necessary.
9. You can crush lemon seeds and take for five days stop for two weeks and repeat taking the seeds for two more weeks.
10. Make lemon water with fresh, unstrained, and pitted lemons. It is cleansing for the body and will help exterminate worms in children.
It is vital to modify the intestinal environment by changing the diet. Parasites love sugar, acid conditions, and constipation. High fiber diets, alkaline diets are the best prevention and cure.